A group of second year architecture students based out of the University of Auckland. We are currently working collaboratively on our 1:1 fabrication studio. Our theme is diversion and we are working on a folly and various events for the Rugby World Cup fantrail in Myers Park. This project includes collaboration with dance students as well as the Auckland City Council.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Dance of Layers - Mid Semester Crit Presentation
I don't know if this will work but I'm hoping it will.
This work is by Tao Shen, Jeffrey Chow and Tina Xie and includes a look at the folly.
Our Boardwalk
This post is to do with a mutual pathway, which is a bit like a boardwalk actually. Its primarily been done by Simone Lisboa and I, with help from Jeffrey Chow, Tao Shen and Tim Stevenson. This is an integral element for our events as our groups aim is to divert people off the main that runs through Myers Park. We initially looked at hiring a plastic or rubber floor made of interlocking floor tiles but we came to the conclusion that it was too expensive and under-designed. So instead we've been looking at ways of making our own floor using timber battens.
Our first attempt at a floor was just a small section. We drilled holes the the battens and threaded rope through to hold the system together. It lacked a bit of stability so we went back to the drawing board with it.
These images are off that first small sampler on site. Tim took it down and his sister Sam Stevenson is the one testing it out for us.
As this photo shows this version of the floor really was not stable enough, especially on the slopping ground that we are dealing with. The centre joins also meant tha the pieces moved around too much and were not secure enough.
Last weekend we made our next attempt at flooring. It has been much more successful and is the basis for our final flooring design. All the materials we are going to need for making it are being delivered from Cypress Sawmill on Friday which means we can get started fabricating large sections of path. The choice of materials stems from the New Zealand DIY/Farming culture where wire and timber are frequently used as fencing. We have taken that verticle language of a barrier and made it a horizontal welcoming element.
Anyway here is the design. Its held together underneath using 20-25mm wire with upins.
These photos were taken on site on the 29th of August (the monday just past). Some event crews in our group took down their event pieces to test them out on site. Some of the dancers we are collaborating with were there as well. Photos which look at the event structures will be posted some time soon.
Anyway onto the floor.
We are going to add some battens half the length of those shown inbetween the big gaps (so on the outer curve or the more splayed edge) so that it makes for a safer and more consistant flooring. Other than that and the battens being slightly lower in height - 40x50 as opposed to the 50x50 sh
We also have been considering how to deal with the concrete border around our site.

We are thinking that we are going to make it more of a sweeping curve rather than a wiggley line and also thinking about starting it further up our site. Roughly where it is in the pictures below.
Note the container for the folly is also in the background. It is not exactly where we wanted it or on the angle we wanted it but its something we have to deal with and demonstrates the flexibility needed when doing a project like this where you are frequently out of control and in the public domain.
I'll be updating more images soon but this is enough for tonight.
Once again thanks to Tim Stevenson for the photos and thanks to Sam Stevenson for trying out our boardwalk.
Update! Folly Work
This post will be mostly about our folly and I'll follow this with a bit more of a look at the events.
The winning folly for our group was designed by Tao, Jeffrey and Tina. It is to sit atop a shipping contianer in Myers Park to act as a latern and a beacon for our events during the rugby world cup. For our folly we are using white shrinkwrap supported by scaffolding and pvc structures.
Our container is onsite and our folly is going to be built sometime over the next few days. Its actually quite exciting and it does mean- watch this space!
In the mean time:
Our Site:
From what will be the main approach to our site looking from the Town Hall/Mayoral Drive end of the Myers Park up towards the K' Rd end.
Looking back at the site (so looking towards the Town Hall/Mayoral Drive end.
Folly Work
A proto-type of one of the top folly joints - I think there are about 12 of these in total the foam is to prevent the bolts from ripping the shrink wrap.
This is a selection of other joint types and experiments. The include pvc pipe, scaffolding and wood. I'm not sure if wood as still going to be used.
The pvc pipe is bent and flattened to make joints. This done using a heat gun and a vice and I'm fairly certain the technique was developed by Tao Shen, Jeffrey Chow and Tina Xie very early on in the semester.
Tim Stevenson went out awhile ago to experiment with shrink wrapping specifically in relation to light and shadow. The light source had to be quite close to the shrink wrap to create the latern-like effect.
Friday, 12 August 2011
To Everyone in Diversion Group
Feel free to add to this blog. Images, words, descriptions, anything really. The more stuff the better.
It would be cool if at least at the end of your post you put your name and which sub group you are working in so the dancers can look at information thats relevant to them
Also I know not everyone has been added to the blog in terms of author privileges. If this is you or you know of someone who hasn't been added it would be good if you could leave a message on facebook, email me at trbarry@hotmail.com or talk to me at uni. All I need is your email address to set this up.
Have a good weekend guys