Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Update! Folly Work

We've been told to add to our blog because it is something we've been neglecting. Because we haven't been doing things as we go this process may not be entirely chronological unfortunately. We're trying our best to make it make as much sense as possible.

This post will be mostly about our folly and I'll follow this with a bit more of a look at the events.

The winning folly for our group was designed by Tao, Jeffrey and Tina. It is to sit atop a shipping contianer in Myers Park to act as a latern and a beacon for our events during the rugby world cup. For our folly we are using white shrinkwrap supported by scaffolding and pvc structures.

Our container is onsite and our folly is going to be built sometime over the next few days. Its actually quite exciting and it does mean- watch this space!

In the mean time:

Our Site:

From what will be the main approach to our site looking from the Town Hall/Mayoral Drive end of the Myers Park up towards the K' Rd end.

Looking back at the site (so looking towards the Town Hall/Mayoral Drive end.

Folly Work

A proto-type of one of the top folly joints - I think there are about 12 of these in total the foam is to prevent the bolts from ripping the shrink wrap.

This is a selection of other joint types and experiments. The include pvc pipe, scaffolding and wood. I'm not sure if wood as still going to be used.

The pvc pipe is bent and flattened to make joints. This done using a heat gun and a vice and I'm fairly certain the technique was developed by Tao Shen, Jeffrey Chow and Tina Xie very early on in the semester.

Shrink Wrap:

Tim Stevenson went out awhile ago to experiment with shrink wrapping specifically in relation to light and shadow. The light source had to be quite close to the shrink wrap to create the latern-like effect.

I'm going to end this post before it becomes too long but expect more images soon!!


Thanks to Tim Stevenson for suppling these images.

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