Sunday, 11 September 2011

9/9 - The Rugby World Cup and the Fantrail Kicks off.

Before the images I just need to say that there was an emense amount of work that went into all of this and everyone did extremely well. Tao, Jeff and Tina have set the bar high for the rest of us.


Set out on Thursday evening as we decided it would take too long to get out on Friday due to its cumbersomeness. (this has been remedied by cutting the sections in half so they are more manageable.)

Our Wood Arriving

Making the Path

The Path - laid out on Thursday night.

A few pieces that moved during the event. Including the cable ramp.

All Set Up - Well Almost

The Peformance - Day-time

I have more photos to upload but my internet won't let me upload.

The next post will contain crowd reactions and night shots among others.

This week we are working towards Sam, Kelsey, Rasha and Eve's group event which is happening on Saturday. Fluid Divergence and the flow are also working towards their events for the following weekend.


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